DBREPLICATION Technology for replication of information bases

DBREPLICATION Technology for replication of information bases

DBReplication is a unique technology for replicating databases and the tasks that the technology solves. First of all this is relevant for organizations with a distributed structure: a network of divisions, stores, warehouses and production sites, etc.
These organizations are particularly in desperate need a reliable and fast exchange of data between their units. Often this task is not solved as effectively as we would like. As in: the exchange is either not fast enough or not reliable enough. In addition, not infrequently it seriously burdens the system and hinders the work of end users. This support is often disproportionately expensive.

In the absence of fast and reliable exchanges the distributed information system breaks up into loosely coupled fragments. This inevitably becomes a bottleneck that hinders the development to increase business efficiency.
DBReplication technology radically changes the situation. Using this process the exchange between the bases is carried out practically in real time in the 24×7 mode. Any changes made in one database are displayed in other databases with a minimum delay normally within 5 to 10 seconds of time.

Some IT tasks that allow you to solve DBReplication

Increase the failure and catastrophism as you can create additional databases on remote servers and connect them to the exchange system. These databases will play the role of backup copies. All changes from the main database are sent to the database-copy with high speed.
Solve the problem of locks of users when performing exchanges. DBReplication technology creates an insignificant number of locks that are almost invisible to users comparatively, For example the blocking of the typical 1C exchange.
Increase the return on hardware with DBReplication in comparison with other systems creates minimal additional load during the execution of exchanges thereby releasing part of the hardware resources.

Get the opportunity to create a highly effective web portal or web store that shows the actual information at the moment. As in a web store has a connection to the central database which consolidates information from all sites with a minimum delay in response time. Due to this the web store shows the real current balances for the goods of all stores or warehouses rather than the impression of the information made in the morning to the current day and already not corresponding to reality as it often happens.

Technical features of the solution

DBREPLICATION is an transactional replication with update subscribers. This means that in all databases participating in the exchange it is possible to work not only on reading but also on changing the data.
The DBREPLICATION kernel is implemented on the basis of the standard SQL mechanisms (triggers, procedures) as well as OLEDB. In this case there are several implementation options that are adapted specifically for the features of popular platforms 1C: Enterprise 8.x and 7.7. DBREPLICATION is also compatible with other SQL-based IT systems.

DBREPLICATION guarantees the delivery of data even if the connection is temporarily interrupted. If this happens then users continue to work as usual all changes are accumulated in local SQL tables. Then when the connection is restored all of the accumulated data is automatically delivered to the exchange path.
The capabilities of DBREPLICATION technology allows the transfer of up to 2,500 transactions per minute while maintaining the maximum speed which under optimal conditions it is from 5 to 10 seconds.

Possible work on weak communication channels. There are examples of implementation on communication channels with a speed of 128 to 256 Kbps with the temporary deterioration of upto 56 Kbps including a drop in Ping to about 1.5 seconds.
An important factor to keep in mind is that DBREPLICATION technology includes special graphical interfaces that allows you to monitor and configure all processes centrally from a “single window”. This also provides a notification system that alerts you by e-mail about certain events you need.

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