SDLC as essential part of project development

SDLC as essential part of project development

Software development life cycle (SDLC) indicates different states of programs. Starting from idea of creating and finishing its usage full stop.
Specificity of program development is taking right decisions at the start of project. If target was set wrong will result in delays, losses during development or even full project crash. Changing of specification leads to necessity of repeating all stages of previous done work.
SDLC is necessary not only for WIN projects, it’s for websites and mobile apps too. If we talk about commercial project, its beginning linked to start of sales.

Briefly about SDLC

This process is regulated by special normative document – ISO/IEC 12207. In this document showed standard structure on SDLC with main processes, actions and tasks for software development.
There are such key stages of SDLC:

  1. analysis of requirements;

  2. projection;

  3. programming;

  4. testing and debug;

  5. operation and maintenance.

The whole process contains three types of processes: main ones, auxiliary and organizational. Main processes are directly process of project creating. Auxiliary means work with different documentation, manuals, attestation and other paper work. Organizational is creating of project infrastructure, managing, estimation and product improvement.
Except classical SDLC there are modern «Agile» versions such as «XP» and «Scrum». Their main difference is the focus on light-weight processes directed on fasten changes through development cycle.

Detailed about steps

Software development means analysis, projecting and coding of final product. It is full programming process, which needs according specialists. All work made according to technical requirements.
Exploitation means work above final product’s usage start. On this stage database configuration and documentation creating are held. Also exactly at this moment provides staff’s training and problems localization.
Project managing is a stage when you make planning and organization of work. Also it means control of deadlines and quality of final result.
Technical and organizational support mean selection of methods, tools and mechanism of project realization. On this stage it is made description of intermediate states and software testing.
The high quality of final product depends on such processes as verification and testing of software. Verification means check of conformity of certain stages requirements.

Life length of SDLC

Most modern programs, SDLC lasts about two-three years but there are enough products that have existed for over ten years.
In order to prolong project’s life you have to constantly realize marketing and support events. In order to save product you can do next things:

  1. change something in concept;
  2. lower price;

  3. make modification;
  4. stop selling.

Different SDLC models

There are some standard software development process models in use all over the world by different developers. Each has its own specificity, advantages and minuses. The most typical are:

  1. waterfall;

  2. v-model;

  3. synchronize & stabilize;

  4. incremental;

  5. interactive;

  6. big bang;

  7. build and fix.

Each one has its own unique specificity suitable for different projects and situations. In reality there are much more methods as we’ve only mentioned main ones for you..

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